Causes of Hemorrhoids That You Should Know

By | January 31, 2018

Knowing the cause of hemorrhoids is very important to treat it properly. Treatments are always dependent on the cause of the disease. This is the reason why you must have the proper knowledge of the causes of a particular disease before you seek treatments. These are the causes of this painful condition which affects millions of people around the world.

The first and the most common cause of this particular condition is strain in the anal area. This is commonly brought about by hard bowel movements or the formation of hard feces that is very difficult to eliminate. The strain and pressure on the veins will cause it to swell up. Sometimes the veins swell to the point that it slips outside of the anus making it more painful. Hard feces can also cause this condition because it is difficult to eliminate and requires more effort. This process creates strain and pressure to the veins of the anal walls and will eventually make it swollen.

The nature of a particular job or work can also be a factor in the development of hemorrhoids. Jobs that require sitting for a prolonged period of time can cause this condition. A very good example of this job is driving an automobile. An automobile driver is sitting down most of the time. This causes pressure and perspiration on the anal area. The combination of pressure and sweating increases the chances for you to acquire this condition. A good way to prevent this is to stretch out and relax your legs and body every once in a while and avoid sitting for a long period of time.

As you get old, the chances of developing this condition increases. The reason for this is because as a person gets old, the veins and blood vessels of the body weakens considerably and is therefore more prone to damage. It can be easily damaged when subjected to even minor amounts of strain and pressure. That is why an old person is advised by doctors to have a healthy and balanced diet rich in fiber to maintain good bowel movement and prevent the development of this condition.

These causes of hemorrhoids are only the most common ones. It is advisable to consult a doctor first to know the true cause of your condition. This will enable the doctor to prescribe the most effective treatment for your problem, and will make you enjoy life more.