Top 20 Prescription Medications for Hemorrhoids

By | January 31, 2018

Hemorrhoids are definitely a big problem, often making it hard for sufferers to live a normal lifestyle due to their symptoms. Fortunately, hemorrhoids aren’t as problematic as it used to be. This particular condition can now be treated with the right medication.

Mild cases of hemorrhoids require only over the counter medication and some lifestyle changes. For severe cases however or for those who want to wipe out the problem immediately, there are prescription medications available today. Of course, it’s important to note that these items should only be taken under the advice of a doctor. That being said, following are the top prescription medications in the market today.

1. Anusol HC – Possibly the most common prescription medicine is Anusol HC which can be used in cream form or as a suppository. The generic name of the product is hydrocortisone acetate which works by relieving the swelling and itching of the affected area. It also helps with the pain, allowing individuals to move more comfortably without worrying about sudden stabs of discomfort. It’s a much stronger dose than over the counter medications, hence the requirement for a prescription. Note that there really isn’t a big difference between the cream and suppository. Personal preferences may apply as well as the location of the hemorrhoids.

2. Anucort HC Rect – this a suppository form of medication applied to the anal area 2 to 3 times a day, depending on doctor advice. It has one of the highest satisfaction ratings and works against the swelling and itching of the irritation.

3. Proctocort – Doctors who feel as though Anusol HC wouldn’t work for their patient often prescribe Proctocort. It works primarily against the swelling thanks to the large amount of hydrocortisone in the product. Proctocort is only available in cream form and is used for the most aggravating cases of the condition.

4. Analpram HC – This cream type of medication work by reducing the swelling and itching of the skin. It made mostly of topical corticosteroid and anesthetic, which accounts for the pain relief in the affected area. Individuals who are allergic to hydrocortisone acetate or any other ingredient of the product are advised not to take it. According to reviews, Analpram HC gets a rating of 8 over 10.

5. Pramosone – Pramosone can be used for hemorrhoids as well as other skin conditions, depending on the doctor’s diagnosis. It contains hydrocortisone and is available in cream form.

6. Nupercainal – This is mostly used against the pain of hemorrhoids. It is primarily a topical anesthetic.

7. Proctofoam – The product works against itching and swelling of the rectal area and other skin conditions. It comes in cream or wipes form and is generally non-allergic.

8. Xylocaine Jelly – The jelly works primarily as an aesthetic, preventing patients from suffering through the pain of the hemorrhoids. It can cause dizziness and drowsiness which is why patients should strictly follow dosage recommendations of doctors.

9. Proctozone HC – Individuals suffering from allergic reactions are advised to inform their doctor in case this can trigger problems for them. Otherwsie, Proctozone HC is a wonderful medication cream against itching and redness.

10. Proctosol HC – another hydrocortisone based hemorrhoid cream, this particular product has gotten very high ratings online. It works against itchiness and pain.

11. ProctoCream HC – although rarely prescribed by doctors, the ProctoCream has had good reviews from the few who used it. The item works by addressing itchiness from aggravated cased.

12. Procto Pak – This product is applied directly in the anus for better results. It works by relieving the swelling while at the same time stopping the itchiness. Make sure that the product does not get anywhere near the eyes or mouth.

13. Lidocaine HCI – There aren’t much reviews of this product although doctors have been known to prescribe it if the condition is especially painful. The lidocaine has a numbing affect which helps ease the discomfort. At the same time, it contains other ingredients that take care of the swelling.

14. Rectacort HC Rect – It is sold as a suppository designed to prevent rectal itchiness, pain or even bleeding. The product is applied on the anus several times a day depending on doctor instructions. Side effects may vary, depending on the person using the product. Allergic reactions are possible.

15. Hemril 30 Rect – This medication mostly works against the itchiness and the swelling. It can also help relieve the pain and is applied a few times each day on the affected area until prescription stops. Individuals are advised to watch out for any signs of allergic reaction when using this product.

Those are the 15 prescription medications being given out today by doctors to hemorrhoid patients. Here are five more known products used for the same condition to relieve the swelling and the pain. Most of these are in cream or suppository form, depending on which one works best for the patient:

16. Lidocaine Hydrocortisone Aloe

17. Hydrocortisone Rect

18. Hydrocortisone Acetate Rect

19. HC – 1% Hemorrhoid Rect

20. Lidocaine HCI Hdyrocortisone Ac Top

Things to Remember

When using prescription medications, always question the doctor regarding allergies and inform them if you’re taking any kind of drugs for other health concerns. Note that pregnant women or those who are breastfeeding might need more specific types of medication to ensure that the child is not harmed during application.

If you’ve missed a dosage, apply one immediately. If the next dosage is nearing then simply take one on the proper time. Do not double the dosage of the prescription medication at once since this can have adverse effects. Always wash hands before and after each application.

Over the Counter Medication
Of course, it’s also possible to take over the counter medication for hemorrhoids, specifically if the condition is still in its mild stages. Some of the most common over the counter medications being used today include:

•Preparation H Rect

•Preparation H Maximum Strength

•Tucks Rect

•Calaclear Top

•Calagesic Top and more

If the OTC cream doesn’t work within one week of usage, a trip to the doctor is encouraged. Should there be any allergic reactions, patients are advised to stop using the product immediately and seek professional help.