Trying to give an exact definition of hemorrhoids is something that no medical expert has yet been able to do. However, it is more commonly known as cushion-like masses of tissue that are filled with blood vessels and are surrounded by muscle tissue that serves as its support. Most people have the misconception that having a hemorrhoid is something that’s not normal to the body, while other people think that it is an illness. In truth, a normal-sized hemorrhoid is present in every single member of the human race. This can be found in the anal canal and aids in bowel control so that stool is not accidentally or uncontrollably excreted.
An enlargement of the hemorrhoids, wherein these bits of tissue become inflamed or swell up, is the main culprit for the various problems or illnesses that people have associated with this tiny bit of tissue in the anal canal. There are numerous factors that can lead to this unwanted condition, some of which are given below:
•Diarrhea or Constipation – in this case, the hemorrhoidal tissue is pushed out along with the stool whenever an individual strains to drive the waste out. The frequency in the passing of stool in a diarrhea condition causes damage to the rectal veins. Good hygiene and well-cooked meals is one way to lessen the risk of contracting this cause of the condition.
•A diet of low fibers – it is a well-known fact that dietary fibers are important in aiding digestion as it acts as catalysts for the swift passage of stool through the digestive tract, as well as softening the stool for an effortless passage through the anal canal.
•Prolonged straining (such as a lengthy period spent sitting in the toilet) that causes an increase in pressure on the abdomen. To reduce the incidence of the hemorrhoidal condition due to this cause, you must sit normally on the toilet seat. When the feces begin to get excreted, raising the feet in tiptoes should be made followed by a forward bend with the elbows supported by the knees. This position eases the pressure in the excretion of the stool.
•Pregnancy – this is mainly because a lot of pregnant women get constipated at some point in their pregnancy. Another reason is the pressure placed upon the pelvic veins by the growing uterus that creates an abnormality in the flow of blood and causes swelling in this particular part of the anal canal.
•Heredity – Genetic predisposition to having the hemorrhoidal condition is also another cause of ‘Piles’ (another term for the condition). A person will likely inherit the condition if his or her parents had suffered from the condition.
•Obesity– Being overweight is another cause of contracting the condition. The constant lifting of excess weight during walking or running places a tremendous pressure on the anal region. This pressure causes the weakening of the blood vessels in and around the rectal area leading to contracting the hemorrhoidal condition.
•Anal Intercourse– Anal sex or sexual intercourse with the anus used as a point of entry by another organ is also a cause of hemorrhoids. The anus as part of the human anatomy was not designed for such purpose (sex). Employing the rectal region as a sex organ places undue pressure on the anal canal, which increases the risk of contracting the hemorrhoidal condition. The use of lubricants does not eliminate the risk factor in this causative factor.
•Tumors – The symptoms of these swollen veins are similar to other growths like polyps, abscesses, fissures and warts. A doctor will usually examine some patients if they have these and he will use his finger that is covered by a lubricated glove and a lighted tube. If a doctor will see that there is bleeding, it is possible that the person has swollen veins or is suffering from colorectal cancer (colon cancer).
•Among other different risk factors would be: involuntary actions such as coughing, sneezing and vomiting, lifting heavy objects, liver and other digestive problems, etc.
Whatever the reason is that may have caused your hemorrhoids to swell up, be assured that the condition does not have to be permanent. Recent advances in the medical industry have made hemorrhoid treatments available for people who do not want to be saddled with the condition for the rest of their lives. In most cases where the condition stemmed from pregnancy, the swelling normally goes back down a few months after giving birth. But if it is hereditary or caused by some other condition, you may need to consult your physician and undergo the various treatments to ease the swelling.