If you have observed some soft and painful lumps appearing on the opening of your anus, this might be an indication of hemorrhoids. Consuming particular types of food can increase your risk of having swollen and inflamed veins. Aside from chronic diarrhea or constipation, aging, genetics, pregnancy, obesity or sitting on the toilet for long periods of time, hemorrhoids is also caused by various types of foods such as sugary, salty, fatty foods and alcoholic beverages.
Sugary foods
There are several kinds of sugary foods that cause hemorrhoids. These include cakes, candies, sodas, muffins, ice cream, doughnuts as well as cookies. Foods with high sugar content tend to cause constipation, inflamed anal or rectal veins and strained bowel movements.
Salty foods
Consumption of salty foods can also contribute to hemorrhoids development. Foods with high sodium content cannot only elevate your blood pressure but it can also make your rectal veins to bulge. Some example of salty foods that cause hemorrhoids are the following: pretzels, salted nuts, canned soups, potato chips and French fries. You have to remember that bulging rectal veins are the primary cause of hemorrhoid discomfort which happens during bowel movement or rather sitting for longer periods of time.
Drinking alcoholic beverages is also another example of foods that causes hemorrhoids. It increases your risk of developing hemorrhoids by causing dehydration. When dehydration takes place, strained bowel movement and constipation also happens. You need to remember that alcohol exacerbates the symptoms of hemorrhoids because it dehydrates your body, leaving a little amount for lubrication in the tissues. Without enough liquid, the rectal walls are susceptible to pressure due to the inflamed veins.
Fatty foods
Fatty foods such as ham, beef, lamb, fried chicken and sausage contains large amounts of saturated fats that consequently harden your stool which eventually leads to constipation. These unhealthy fats increase your risk of having hemorrhoids due to inflamed anal and rectal veins that presses your rectal wall.
Caffeine also plays a vital part when it comes to the development of hemorrhoids. Caffeine is a form of laxative that irritates the stomach and intestines which results in involuntary bowel movement. This phenomenon can cause loose stools or constipation which aggravates the condition. You need to keep in mind that coffee and other foods that contain caffeine contribute to the development of hemorrhoids.
Spicy foods
There is no specific study that proves the connection of spicy foods in the development of hemorrhoids. On the other hand, there are some people who say that the acid content of spicy foods irritates the tissue around the rectal wall.
Some of the other foods that cause hemorrhoids include mustard, red pepper, and nuts. They are only digested partially in the stomach and when they reach the rectum, irritation takes place in the affected area.
While these type of foods cause hemorrhoids, you still need to keep in mind that absence of high-fiber foods also cause hemorrhoids. Some of the foods that you need to consume regularly include broccoli, wheat, beans, apples, carrot, brown rice, spinach and a lot more.