It is very hard to live a normal life if you are suffering from hemorrhoids. If you have a hemorrhoid, visit your doctor as soon as possible. Do not simply ignore your hemorrhoid and hope that it will go away on its own. If your hemorrhoid is treated early, you have a higher chance of a full recovery. The treatment for your hemorrhoid depends on what type of hemorrhoid you have. Visit your doctor to find out what type of hemorrhoid you have and what treatment you need for it. In this article, we will discuss some of the treatment options that doctors recommend to hemorrhoid sufferers.
If you are only suffering from a mild hemorrhoid, a medical professional may try to treat your hemorrhoid by injecting medicine into the mucous membranes near your hemorrhoids. Injecting medicine into the mucous membranes helps shrink your hemorrhoid and the blood vessels inside it. This reduces the pain from the hemorrhoid and helps it heal faster.
Transanal Hemorrhoidal Dearterialisation
Transanal Hemorrhoidal Dearterialisation is a surgery method which involves internal stitches beneath your artery. The stitches stop blood from flowing to your hemorrhoid to help reduce the pain and speed up the healing of the hemorrhoid. Transanal Hemorrhoidal Dearterialisation is done using a specialized device such as a Doppler ultrasound flowmeter and a proctoscope.
Bipolar Coagulation
Bipolar electrotherapy or bipolar coagulation is a treatment option for someone who is suffering from an internal hemorrhoid. It is a non-surgical method and involves using a directed coagulation effect on the mucous membrane near your hemorrhoid to help it heal.
Photocoagulation or Infrared coagulation
Photocoagulation or Infrared coagulation uses infrared to treat your hemorrhoids. This method is usually used on an internal hemorrhoid that is bleeding too much. This treatment method lasts for about 10 minutes and ensures a speedy and painless recovery. This is one of the most fastest and painless way to treat a bleeding internal hemorrhoid.
The Hemorrhoidolysis treatment method uses therapeutic galvanic waves that are aimed directly to your hemorrhoid. The therapeutic galvanic waves produce a chemical reaction within your hemorrhoid and eventually shrink and dissolve the hemorrhoidal tissue. This treatment method is more effective when used on an internal hemorrhoid.
These are just some of the treatment methods available for treating a hemorrhoid. There are other treatment methods available. Consult your doctor to find out which treatment will work best for you.