The relation between hemorrhoids and vaginal hemorrhoids, anal mucus, anal sex, HIV aids

By | January 31, 2018

What Is Hemorrhoid?

Hemorrhoid is a part of the rectal area which helps in the ease of bowel movement. It is composed of sensitive blood vessels.

When continual tension is applied onto the pelvic area, hemorrhoids become inflamed and irritated. Inflamed hemorrhoids can bring so much discomfort to the affected person.

There are two types of hemorrhoids: internal and external. Internal hemorrhoids are found inside the rectal area. External hemorrhoids are found around or outside the anus.

Hemorrhoids can bring discomfort, itching, pain and bleeding. Symptoms may vary depending on the type and severity of hemorrhoids.

The most common causes of hemorrhoids are the following:

Diarrhea – Excessive bowel movement may strain the rectal area which may cause inflammation of the hemorrhoids.

Constipation – During hard bowel movement, too much pressure is applied onto the rectal area which causes tension. It is the most usual cause of hemorrhoids.

Pregnancy – Hemorrhoids usually affect women who are pregnant. During pregnancy, the pelvic area is bearing an increasing amount of weight. The weight of the baby applies pressure onto the pelvic area which may cause the blood vessels to inflame and may lead to hemorrhoids.

Childbirth – During childbirth, especially during natural delivery, a woman exerts too much force and pressure onto the pelvic area. This application of too much tension onto the pelvic floor can cause hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids can be treated in different ways. Some people prefer to treat it through topical creams, surgical procedure or natural medicine.

What Are Vaginal Hemorrhoids?

Vaginal hemorrhoids are a common name for bulges which appear near the outer vaginal area.

But the truth is, the vaginal area is made up of strong and flexible tissue which is far from developing hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids or piles are a condition in which the rectal tissues or blood vessels become inflamed. Therefore, there is no such thing as vaginal hemorrhoids.

Rectal prolapse could be mistaken for a vaginal hemorrhoid because it may appear to be coming from inside the vaginal area. Hemorrhoids may protrude near the vaginal area (obviously, the anus is very near the vaginal canal) which makes it look like it affects the vagina.

There can be some conditions which may lead to bulges on the vaginal area. Giving birth and pregnancy may cause hemorrhoids which appear close to the vaginal area. These hemorrhoids are actually from the rectal area but it is often confused for vaginal hemorrhoids.

There are also some conditions which are characterized by prolapsed tissues from the vagina but these are not hemorrhoids.

To sum it all up, vaginal hemorrhoids are non-existent because hemorrhoids is a condition of the rectal blood vessels. Vaginal tissues are strong tissues and are unlikely to develop hemorrhoids. So, vaginal hemorrhoids are not actually related to each other. “Vaginal hemorrhoids” is a term which is sometimes used (albeit incorrectly) for other conditions (such as genital warts) which affect the vagina.

Anal Mucus and Hemorrhoids

The presence of mucus in the colon is normal. It acts as a protective coating for the colon and a lubricant for the expelling of stool.

Mucous discharge from the anus can be a sign of a disorder inside the colon, such as hemorrhoids. Thus mucous discharge can pass out on its own or with stool. Mucous discharge can cause skin itching when it dries on the skin.

A mucous discharge may come out with a streak of blood. It can be a sign that something is wrong with the colon. It can be a sign of inflammation or infection.

Anal mucus discharge can be a sign of hemorrhoids.

Having Anal Sex While Having Hemorrhoids

Some people believe that having anal sex can cause hemorrhoids so they prefer not to do it. But having sex while you have hemorrhoids is still possible if it’s a very mild case.

When you have hemorrhoids, you can try using lubricants and gentle motion while doing the deed so as not to irritate the hemorrhoids. You can also try doing it in a position wherein you lie on your tummy. This way, you can lessen the pressure towards the pelvic floor and reduce the swelling of hemorrhoids.

It is also important to listen to your body. If doing it causes you so much discomfort, it is best to stop immediately.

However, does not mean that it is safe. Doing anal sex can cause the hemorrhoids to bleed and become infected. It can also cause irritation. The worst thing that can happen is to cause wounds on the area and get infected with HIV.

First thing to remember when doing anal sex is the HIV status of your partner. You can use condoms or refrain from having sex when you are in doubt of your partner’s HIV status.

It is also important to ask your doctor or GP for professional medical advice. Your GP is the best person to know the severity of your hemorrhoids and if you can still do anal sex while having treatment for hemorrhoids.

Can Anal Sex Cause Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are caused by pressure from bearing so much weight due to pregnancy, from constipation and from diarrhea. Anal sex does not apply pressure on the anus in the same way as the above mentioned causes do.

So, anal sex does not cause hemorrhoids.But having anal sex when you have a severe case of hemorrhoids can make hemorrhoids even worse due to irritation.

HIV AIDS and Hemorrhoids

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) or AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is a disease which can be sexually transmitted. It can also be transmitted through blood transfusion or childbirth.

HIV attacks the immune system and weakens it. This effect of HIV can be the main reason why it is considered as a very fatal disease.

HIV can be transmitted through blood and body fluids. It can be acquired through sexual intercourse, anal sex, blood transfusion, an HIV positive mother and the use of infected syringes.

During unprotected sexual intercourse, the mucus or body fluids enters the body. It gives way for the HIV to infect the body.

Doing anal sex while you have hemorrhoids can increase the risk of getting infected with HIV. Anal sex can cause damage onto the hemorrhoids and can lead to bleeding or open wound. The opening can be a possible entrance to the virus. The use of condoms can help in avoiding the transmission of HIV.