Healthy practices and good personal hygiene can prevent hemorrhoids and provide comfort to your swollen lump. It’s not a life threatening condition but it’s important to cure the nuisance instantly to help you concentrate on doing your daily tasks.
You don’t have to spend much, along with a balanced meal and basic remedies, relief will be attained. Follow the seven steps:
1. Observe proper hygiene. Cleanse the anal area with water making sure that it’s thoroughly washed and properly wiped with a soft cloth and never rub, just pat dry. If water is not available, you can use baby wipes but use the unscented and alcohol-free type.
2. For inflamed hemorrhoids, use witch hazel or used tea bag. After defecating and washing, dab a cotton ball with witch hazel or coated wipes on the swollen vein or you can also do the same with the used warm tea bag. Both will ease the itching and help shrink the inflamed vessel and stop bleeding.
3. Have a sitz bath. Dip your buttocks in warm water while being supported by a twisted towel, this will relax the inflammation. If you can’t tolerate a full sitz bath, you can use a warm, dampened washcloth in the anus instead.
4. Keep moving even by just walking. Having an active lifestyle can be nice for your body; it will keep you alert and fit. If you’re too busy, a brisk walk going to your office and during breaks can promote proper digestion.
5. Never forget to add fiber in your diet. In every meal, any kind of fruit, vegetable, whole grain or legumes should be present. Keep yourself hydrated with water and drinks, as this is good for your stomach and will prevent you from constipation.
6. Take breaks from prolonged sitting and standing. This is to promote blood circulation to the veins of the body especially in the rectal area. If your work requires sitting all day, sit on a donut-shaped chair pad to remove the tension of your bottom but you must also stand up and walk around. If you have to stand for a long time, put on stockings to strengthen your veins and put your legs up while lying down when you get home.
7. Stay fit and watch your weight. Obesity will put more pressure on your bottom and eventually affect the blood flow in the rectal veins.
The outcomes of the natural methods are safe and effective on alleviating hemorrhoids. The results are not only good for your rears but to your whole body as well.