About 10 million people in the USA suffer from hemorrhoids. Originally, hemorrhoids are healthy cushions found in the anal area. They protect the anal area by providing cushioning when we seat. Painful hemorrhoids occur when the veins in the anal area become swollen. Patients will be suffering from hemorrhoids in the opening of the anal area, or inside the anal canal.
What are the causes, symptoms and risk factors?
One of the most common causes is the increase of pressure in the anal canal. Too much pressure in the anus can cause the veins in the rectal area to gain hemorrhoids. Normally, the tissue found inside the pelvic area fills the blood in order to control our bowel movements. If it is strained, the increase in pressure causes the veins to stretch and swell. Eventually, it will cause irritation and inflammation.
Diarrhea and constipation will also lead to the straining and increase of pressure of the veins in the anal area. The most common symptom for both external and internal hemorrhoids is bleeding especially in bowel movements. Patients will see streaks of black or red on the toilet paper after each bowel movement. There is also the presence of rectal pain and itching.
Hemorrhoids are common especially in adults. For pregnant women, hemorrhoids can last up to 6 months. This is due to the increase in pressure of the blood vessels of the pelvic area. Once delivery occurs, the straining of the push during labor can also alleviate the condition. Sedentary lifestyle can also cause hemorrhoids. People who are overweight are at risk of having this condition and will most likely have a series of symptoms. People over age 50 have a high percentage in dealing with discomfort, itching and bleeding due to the presence of the condition.
Types Of Hemorrhoids And The Recommended Treatment
Fortunately, there are a number of options in treating this condition, depending on the type of hemorrhoids.
Internal hemorrhoids
Internal hemorrhoids are the most common type of hemorrhoids. They cause bloody red streaks on toilet paper after normal or constipated bowel movement. Patients will see blood on the area or surface of the stool. Patients suffering from this condition will have swollen and small inflamed veins in the wall found in the anal canal. They can be large or sagging depending on the stage of the condition. The veins in the rectal area can cause pain if they are squeezed or bulged out in the anal muscles. They can also be severely painful if the blood supply in the hemorrhoids is cut. If the hemorrhoids are bulged, there will also be the presence of mucus found in the stool and toilet paper.
Preparation H can be used in treating internal hemorrhoids. There is an instruction sheet with the tube for using the applicator to inject the Preparation H directly to the internal part of the anal sphincter. Since the condition is usually due to straining, dietary changes would be required as part of the treatment regimen; the diet should include more fiber. Regular exercise could also prevent recurrence.
External hemorrhoids
Irritation and clogging of the veins can cause external hemorrhoids. External hemorrhoids can also be caused by a number of factors such as diarrhea and constipation, or anything that puts strain in the anal area. They usually result in a painful hard lump found in the rectal area, which could also be further classified into clotted and thrombosed hemorrhoids. Some of the most common symptoms include pain around of the anal area and lumps founds around or near the anus. There is also the presence of itching in the rectal area, and a bloody stool. Due to the symptoms being quite similar with other conditions, patients need to consult a doctor and undergo examination.
External hemorrhoids could also be treated through Preparation H. Patients are also required to seek medical assistance and to treat other conditions, such as constipation, in order to cure the condition. Witch Hazel could reduce the swelling and ultimately help shrink the hemorrhoids. Minimally invasive procedures such as sclerotherapy and rubber band ligation, or surgical procedures such as hemorrhoidectomy and stapling could be the last resort.
Prolapsed hemorrhoids
Prolapsed hemorrhoids are actually internal hemorrhoids, although they are protruding in the rectal area. They can be graded according to level of severity. Grade 2 hemorrhoids can push out of the rectal area due to the bowel movement and will retract without any form of intervention. Grade III hemorrhoids can be pushed back to the rectum and it will remain there for quite some time. It can be gently pushed by the patient or by the physician. Grade IV type of hemorrhoids run the risk of becoming thrombosed.
Physicians require the use of topical ointments which contain hydrocortisone in treating prolapsed hemorrhoids. This will relieve the itching found within the prolapsed area. Other ointments, such as calamine and zinc oxide can be utilized in order to treat this condition. The use of ointment will ease the swelling while preventing water loss. Lanolin, aluminum hydroxide and mineral oil can also be used as treatment options.
Bleeding hemorrhoids
Bleeding hemorrhoids occur when both inflammation and severe irritation of the effected tissues reaches a certain level which causes small ruptures of hemorrhoidal tissues. This condition is extremely painful and it should be treated as soon as possible.
This condition can be treated through a sitz bath and cold compress. It is also important to not scratch the affected area in order to prevent further irritation. Hemorrhoid creams may be used instead to provide relief. For persistent bleeding hemorrhoids, the doctor may recommend minimally invasive procedures.
Chronic hemorrhoids
This occurs when a prolapsed hemorrhoid develops and various symptoms become chronic. Chronic hemorrhoids will have long term effects so patients who suffer from this condition are required to seek medical attention to get the right treatment for the particular type, as determined by the doctor.
Lifestyle changes such as regular exercise and a healthier diet plan would help. Intake of bowel regulators is advised to prevent straining brought by constipation. Just like with bleeding hemorrhoids, minimally invasive procedures may be required.
Coagulated hemorrhoids
Coagulated hemorrhoids is a condition wherein collected blood in the hemorrhoidal region forms clots. Further coagulation will lead to the risk of bleeding and obstructive clotting or thrombosis. Coagulated hemorrhoids can be treated through absorbent chemicals, such as the use of zeolites, in order to seal the injured area quickly. Thrombin is also used surgically in order to treat the bleeding area.
Strangulated hemorrhoids
Strangulated hemorrhoids occur when blood supply coming to the hemorrhoids is cut off. When the blood supply is cut off, the hemorrhoids become compromised and it can cause necrosis and eventually death. Complications include gangrene, sepsis, thrombosis and infection. It is important to seek medical attention immediately when this occurs. Physicians will also suggest dietary fiber, increase of fluids and avoidance of straining.
Thrombosed hemorrhoids
If the hemorrhoid gains a clot then patients will feel more pain. Once the accumulation of blood occurs then there will be the presence of thrombosis. This condition is already considered as thrombosed hemorrhoids. They are often accompanied with a bluish to purplish discoloration in the affected area along with severe and incapacitating pain.
It can be treated through the use of sitz bath and stool bulking medications. The pain can also become intolerable and it might be necessary to remove the clot, which is done through surgery. Patients are given acetaminophen and ibuprofen in order to relief the pain.
Inflamed hemorrhoids
In most cases, patients will have a swelling in the rectal area. This is already considered as inflamed hemorrhoids and it will be itchy or painful. The hemorrhoids are trapped in the anal canal and after a couple of days it will become strangulated, causing it to not receive blood and die. Hemorrhoid creams and a sitz bath may help reduce the swelling. Hemorroidal suppositories could also alleviate discomfort and pain.
Infected hemorrhoids
Once inflammation occurs, the hemorrhoid becomes infected and it will lead to generalized infection of the blood. The condition can be treated with hemorrhoid creams that combat infection and provide pain relief. An infected hemorrhoid can cause blood poisoning and patients will be suffering from fevers and pain in the affected area.
While hemorrhoid creams that combat infection and provide pain relief could initially help, antibiotics may have to be prescribed.
Such are the definition, cause and symptoms of hemorrhoids and types of hemorrhoids. In extreme cases, patients can also suffer from multiple types of hemorrhoids. This means that patients will have symptoms for multiple conditions and will have to undergo various treatments.