The 4 grades of internal hemorrhoids

By | January 31, 2018

Hemorrhoids are the inflamed veins (painful) located at the lower part of the anus or rectum. They are of two types; Internal and external. The internal type occurs inside the rectum while the external type occurs outside the rectum. The internal type is further classified according to their grade or prolapse- a medical term used to refer to the degree of being out of place of a tissue or organ from its normal location. The internal hemorrhoidal grades are:


This is the first stage of internal type of hemorrhoids. In this stage, hemorrhoidal growth commences inside the anus, but is not capable of protruding outside the canal of the anus. This initial grade results from the varicose veins’ bulging and is devoid of any prolapse and does not have any symptoms. This grade 1 classification paves the way for other higher grades.


This is the primary one to emerge after the 1st grade hemorrhoidal condition. Grade II is the first stage where the prolapse of the hemorrhoidal condition happens (prolapsed hemorrhoid). There is protrusion of the hemorrhoid from the canal of the anus during mobility of bowels. After the completion of the bowel movement, the protrusions retract and return to its normal position. This is due to the collapsing of the tissue in the rectum because of weak anal linings or weak veins at the anus. This stage can be painful and a feeling of general discomfort and fullness is prevalent.


This grade differs from the first two (grades I and II). In this grade, protrusion of the prolapsed hemorrhoid occurs at the opening of the anus during bowel movement, but in this Grade no retraction or returning to its normal state happens after the bowel movement. The protrusion in the anal opening is pushed back into the canal of the anus with the aid of a fingertip. This grade type is a painful type and has the tendency to bleed when irritated. A general feeling of discomfort is prevalent as it may suddenly protrude again in the anal opening after it has been pushed back.


Is the severest of all the grades of internal hemorrhoids and commonly needs medical supervision. This Grade-type easily bleeds and easily gets irritated and is very much prone to getting infected. The prolapsed internal hemorrhoid protrudes at the anal opening and remains outside of the anal opening.