Surgical Management for Hemorrhoids: Injection Sclerotherapy

By | January 31, 2018

When patients experience pain and severe discomfort from small hemorrhoids, injection sclerotherapy is the hemorrhoid management that’s most likely to be prescribed by physicians. In this procedure, a chemical is injected into the vein in the hemorrhoid which will make the hemorrhoidal tissues harden and then scar. The scarred tissues of the hemorrhoid will be left in place, providing support to the tissues of the rectal wall and enforcing strength to the veins and the other blood vessels in the area.

How Injection Sclerotherapy Is done

Sclerotherapy can be safely done in a physician’s clinic. In this procedure, the patient will be asked first to lie down on his left or his right side, wherever the doctor would suggest or wherever the patient feels more comfort. The position should allow the rectum to extend a little or more beyond the periphery of the operating bed. The physician will initially make a clear view of the hemorrhoid to operate on through a viewing instrument inserted into the anus. He will also use other instruments to make a band around the hemorrhoid.

After he makes a complete understanding of the location of the hemorrhoid and prepared it for the procedure, he will now inject the hardening chemical into the hemorrhoid tissues. The chemical is injected slowly for its optimal absorption. Sclerotherapy is usually done without the use of anesthesia. No pain will be felt by patients but there may be some discomfort. The results can be felt in ten days after the procedure.

The following are the possible complications that might occur during or after the procedure injection sclerotherapy:

•Allergic reaction to the chemical
•Burning sensation
•Peeling of skin/mucosa from the rectal lining
•Uncontrolled bladder/bowel movement

More about Injection Sclerotherapy

The procedure of injection sclerotherapy can only be applied for internal hemorrhoids. Studies show that sclerotherapy is 60 to 80% effective when it comes to hemorrhoid treatment. Sclerotherapy and basically other hemorrhoid surgeries are only recommended if the condition cannot be treated with home remedies or if there’s persistent bleeding already coming from the hemorrhoid.

Although the procedure may seem simple and can be repeatedly done, it shouldn’t be done habitually whenever a hemorrhoid is present. The best actions against hemorrhoids are still the preventive measures, which consist of high intake of fiber, exercise and other activities that contributes to smooth bowel movement.