If there are foods that you ought to take in moderation to help heal your condition, there are also foods that help eliminate hemorrhoids. The condition, which is also called piles, can be caused by constipation. It may occur when you don’t indulge in many physical activities or your work requires you to sit for a long period of time. When the constipation has been around for a long time already, it only follows that you develop piles.
You have to take the necessary action before the condition gets any worse. Besides, this can become very uncomfortable, with the itching and swelling involved. It will help if you are going to eat the kinds of foods that help eliminate hemorrhoids. Here are some samples of what you can opt to take in if you have already acquired the condition.
1. Lots of water. You have to make sure that your body is hydrated all the time. You have to abide by the tradition rule of drinking at least eight glasses of water every day. When the body is dehydrated, the chances of suffering from constipation will be higher.
2. Juices. There are various kinds of juices that can help you deal with piles. First, you can take blackberries, cherries and blueberries. All these have anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins that are essential in reducing the swelling of the veins and in strengthening these as well. You can have a glass of this kind of mixture each day.
You can also have 2 glasses of red or black currant berries every day. These are rich in minerals and Vitamin C and are effective in clearing the causes of piles. These currants have little doses of the fatty acid GLA. This helps the system in creating prostaglandin, which acts as remedy in relieving your body from pain.
3. Herbs like garlic, onion and ginger. You can include these herbs on your every day dishes. These work by helping your system in breaking down fibrin, which is a natural substance that works by repairing the breaks on your organs, arteries and tissues. Fibrin may sometimes lead to the inflammation of the arties, which may worsen your piles, so it is best that you eat these herbs to get the situation under control.
4. Oils. If you love eating salads, you have to be more careful with the kind of oils that you include at these. These are certain types that can help you in dealing with piles. These are the fax seed oil, olive oil and even the apple cider vinegar. Olive and flax seed oils can also be included on soups and at various dishes. Fish oil can also be taken in capsule form, which can help you deal with the condition as well.
The kinds of foods that help eliminate hemorrhoids are mostly high in fiber. You can get a good dose of fiber from raw vegetables and fruits. You have to be careful though if you haven’t taken too much fiber for quite a long time. You have to help your system get adjusted to its new diet. It is natural to experience gas for about a week or two, but everything will return to normal soon after.