Some More Surgeries That Removes Hemorrhoids in Teenagers, Adults and the Elderly Part 2

By | January 31, 2018

Stapling is the other popular hemorrhoid surgery next to hemorrhoidectomy. This surgical procedure targets the hemorrhoids in the elderly or adults that had prolapsed out of the anus. They usually hang just outside the canal and they are much more uncomfortable to deal with. With this surgery, the prolapsed hemorrhoid is stapled onto the anal canal using a circular stapling device. But before stapling it, the device will first remove the excess tissue. Stapling the hemorrhoid this way will return it back to the original anatomical position it has. The stapling procedure is a very complex one since it involves firing the stapler device at an accurate angle during a particular time. When the device is fired, it will release titanium plates into the tissue. The ends of the staples will penetrate the wall of the canal which serves as the anchorage for the hemorrhoids. The excess tissues will have to be removed again with the use of a circular knife. Once the procedure is finished, surgeons will now examine it with an anascope to look for abnormalities or bleeding around the area. Bleeding around the staples may occur and once this happens, absorbable sutures may be used.

Stapling is less painful as it sounds. In fact, the patient can easily go back to his or her activities after the procedure. However, there are people who claim that their hemorrhoid problem returned. This is common for most of them since stapling is not a permanent solution in removing hemorrhoids in the elderly and adults. Although there are lesser risks involved, the patient may still experience major problems due to human errors. When the device used draws in too much muscle, it may damage and ruin the canal wall. It is also not guaranteed to work for everyone since there are times when the prolapsed hemorrhoid is too big.
Hemorrhoidal Artery Ligation

Also known as transanal hemorrhoidal dearterialisation, this surgical procedure is mainly concerned with the blood flow reaching the hemorrhoid. With this procedure, the surgeons are aiming to reduce the flow of blood within the swollen area. The reduced blood flow is made by stitching close the artery providing the blood to the affected area. After a few days, the swollen area will reduce in size due to the lack of blood supply. This procedure also uses a Doppler probe which is described as a small ultrasound. The Doppler probe is used to identify which artery should be stitched close.

Hemorrhoidal Artery Ligation is the simplest among the previous surgical procedure since it only involves stitching. However, the stitches may cause the artery to bleed and there are patients who experience prolapsed hemorrhoids after the procedure. The chances of experiencing these side effects are at only 10% so patients should not be completely worried about it.

Choosing surgery to remove hemorrhoids in the elderly and adults should be decided on carefully. Doctors should be involved with the decision since they know when and when not to recommend surgery. Besides, surgery is similar to gambling since no one is certain about the outcome of the procedure.