Some important information on bleeding hemorrhoids

By | January 31, 2018

When a person goes to the hospital for a probable diagnosis of hemorrhoids, the person is surely manifesting one symptom which has led him to seek medical consultation, rectal bleeding.

Hemorrhoids, either external or internal, are characterized by rectal bleeding during bowel movements. Bleeding hemorrhoids (or hematochezia) occur when the veins in the anus become inflamed or swollen due to several reasons such as constipation and pregnancy or any other conditions that lead to increased pressure to the said veins. Other factors such as high blood pressure, increased caffeine and alcohol consumption, prolonged sitting on a toilet seat and stress in the portal vein could also contribute to the development of hemorrhoids.

During bowel movement, the tissues in the anus are being filled with blood to aid in fecal evacuation. When constipated, the person would normally strain to evacuate his stool, which causes the veins to be inflamed or swollen. The rectal veins are very rich in blood supply. This is the reason why the condition is characterized specifically as bright-red bleeding and not dark-red bleeding, indicating fresh blood.

Bleeding hemorrhoids could either be external or internal. External hemorrhoids are shown as the actual protrusion of the hemorrhoid and are very painful because somatic nerves, which transmit nerve impulses, are affected. Internal hemorrhoids, on the other hand, are usually painless because the affectation is usually the visceral nerves.

People are commonly alarmed at the sight of blood coming from their rectal area because this is obviously abnormal. Although alarming, some mild types of bleeding hemorrhoids resolve on its own, depending on the person’s diet and frequency of constipation. The condition, especially when too much blood is leaking, should not be neglected as it may actually lead to decrease in blood volume which has many devastating effects to the body. Massive rectal bleeding, when associated with lightheadedness and faintness is a condition that needs emergency treatment.

Prevention of the formation of hemorrhoids is very most important to be kept in mind. Avoidance of excessive alcohol and caffeine intake, increasing oral fluid intake, having proper diet, specifically high fiber, should always be remembered. Also, having adequate exercise each day aids in good intestinal motility and prevents constipation.

When a person already has hemorrhoids, several treatment options are available. The most important goal is to prevent constipation, which would exacerbate the condition. Sometimes, health care providers prescribe the use of stool softeners or laxatives, depending on the severity of the condition. Alternating cold and warm sitz bath is also being done to help improve circulation to the area. Surgery is often indicated when the protrusion of an external hemorrhoid is already too extensive or when the bleeding is too severe.

Hemorrhoids are something that is uncommon. Almost everybody has it but the severity is different and manifestations are not yet present. At any rate, when bleeding already occurs, consultation to the physician is already necessary. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment are the most important keys to avoid mortality not only due to bleeding hemorrhoids but also to all other disorders.