Hemorrhoids are clumps or masses of tissues within the rectum containing blood vessels. The blood vessels are composed of elastic fibers and muscles.
The symptom of a hemorrhoidal condition is dependent upon its location. Hemorrhoids are classified into two types; the external and internal type.
The internal type is located inside the anal canal. This type cannot be usually seen or felt and does not cause any discomfort. The external type is located outside the rectum. This type tends to bleed and become itchy. Pooling of blood may happen in this type to form a thrombus (clot). This clot formation results into severe swelling, pain as well as inflammation.
The general signs and symptoms may include:
•Discomfort brought by itchiness and irritation in the anal area.
•Bleeding- during bowel movements. The small amounts of blood is noticeable on the toilet tissue or the toilet bowl
•Persisting pain in the rectum
•Swelling of the anus
•The sensitive and painful presence of a lump near the rectum
•Leaking stool in the anal canal
Treatment of hemorrhoids can include any of the following:
•Home remedy of eating and increasing high-fiber food intake- the intense pressure that follows in a constipated bowel movement and excretion of hard stool is widely believed to cause the hemorrhoidal condition. The ingestion of fiber rich foods is a home remedy to soften the stool for easy excretion from the rectum.
•Use of over the counter medications-local anaesthetics, analgesics and corticosteroids’ has properties that reduce the pain, swelling by sufferers of the condition. Keratolytics medications cause the outer layers of the tissue to be disintegrated when applied to the affected area.
•The Morgan-Milligan technique- is a surgical procedure developed by Drs. Morgan and Milligan in the United Kingdom (at the St. Marks hospital) in the year 1937. In this surgical process three of the major hemorrhoidal blood vessels are excised. To avoid stenosis (narrowing), leaving open pear-shaped incisions are made. The open incisions are made separate by skin bridges and mucosa. This procedure is widely known as ‘Open hemorrhoidectomy’ and is a surgical technique that is referred to as the gold standard of all surgical hemorrhoidectomy procedures.
•The Ferguson technique- is another surgical procedure developed and pioneered by Dr. Ferguson in the year 1952. This technique modified the Morgan-Milligan technique where the open incisions are replaced with a partially or totally closed incision. The partial and total closure of the incision is made with the use of a running suture that is absorbable.