Bleeding hemorrhoids occur often to those who have chronic condition. This can be managed properly even without going to a doctor in a hospital when the situation is not severe or life threatening. When a person is having severe pain for a few days already or less than a week long and cannot tolerate the symptoms of hemorrhoids, he or she should be examined by a physician. Sometimes, patients are advised to be admitted in a hospital. However, hemorrhoids cases are typically not serious or life threatening. But if not immediately remedied can result to more complications sooner or later.
Symptoms of hemorrhoids
Itchiness, pain, and bleeding hemorrhoids are commonly experienced by persons who developed this condition. Whether for minor or major cases, people need to be informed of the causes, preventions, symptoms, remedies, and nature of this condition. Itchiness is caused by irritated and swollen distended veins that can result to bleeding. Pregnancy, labor, strenuous or straining activities like forcing to defecate can worsen the condition. Whether a person has internal or external hemorrhoids, their bleeding tendencies are just the same. This is the reason why even if there is no protrusion in the rectal area, there may be blood that emanates from inside the rectum.
For those who have not encountered this condition previously, these symptoms may be disturbing. When bleeding occurs, it is possible they think that a lot of blood had been lost. They need to be informed of the nature of the condition and educate them of ways to halt the bleeding and manage the situation if in case this happens. As mentioned earlier, bleeding hemorrhoids are caused by irritants affecting the inflamed veins. The problem may be severed if the person has loose or frequent watery stool, difficulty to defecate, or is experiencing straining caused by lifting heavy items, sitting down or standing up for too long, and being overweight.
People should know that bleeding of hemorrhoids is not severe enough to experience systemic shock. The bleeding may appear more like spotting and not a stream of blood. If in case there is heavy bleeding, this will certainly need immediate examination by a physician inside a hospital.
Ways to stop the bleeding
The methods to stop the bleeding depend on the gravity of the problem area. If a person has internal hemorrhoids, this may be managed by using over-the-counter suppositories. For external hemorrhoids, it is recommended to apply cream, topical ointment, and other remedies.
Unlike the fear of a lot of people especially those who have no sufficient knowledge about the nature of hemorrhoids, bleeding or spotting is known to be not life threatening in these cases. Profuse bleeding may possibly be an indication for other existing problems a person may not be aware of, for the time being. Bleeding of hemorrhoids whether internal or external can be managed with basic things that can be found at home like applying cold compresses or tiny ice cubes on the area.