How long do hemorrhoids last? If the condition has been bothering you for days already, you would want to find out if it is high time to refer your case to a doctor. You may shave been taking over the counter medications, but there are times when the pain would be gone, but the swelling remains and the pain comes back after some hours. The condition is also referred to as piles.
How did this happen? What are the factors that lead for a person to develop piles? First off, when you have this condition, it means that the veins in your anal area are swollen. It can get very painful because these veins act as cushion and helps in controlling the passage of your stool.
How long do hemorrhoids last? The answer to the question depends on the kind of piles that you have and its gravity. There are actually two types. The internal type is when the swelling happens inside your system’s anal canal. The tissues located at this part are very sensitive, so the condition is accompanied by itching and pain. This may also lead to thrombosis if you will not do something about it fast. The external type happens on the skin around the anus. When swollen, this can be quite painful and may also lead to bleeding.
Piles are often brought about by too much pressure, inflammation and constipation. Getting it healed will vary, so the answer to your question can be from some weeks to months or years. It all depends on the actions that you have done in order to find solution to the problem. You have to find what has caused it in the first place. After subjecting yourself with the right kinds of treatments, it is essential that you also undergo certain changes that will help you get rid of the problem.
If it is your first time to suffer from piles, then the healing time is going to be faster. If this has been the second, fourth and so on, the pain may only get away after four days or so. This does not mean that it won’t come back, not unless you have already found the right solution according to your body type and other health factors.
To help the condition heal faster, you have to modify what you eat. It is recommended to consume 25 to 35 mg of fiber every day. Fibers can be acquired from fruits, vegetables and cereals. You also have to follow a regular exercise routine. The condition can get worse if you will often sit down, so you better keep on moving to help get it healed. Through exercise, your body will be able to relax and your muscles will become stronger.
You also have to drink sufficient water each day. This will help in preventing constipation by keeping your body hydrated.
So How long do hemorrhoids last? A standard growth lasts for about four days and vanishes on their own without needing any medicines or surgery. But some extreme cases can last for a month. A person that has suffered from the disease is more likely to be afflicted with the ailment again. With all the factors considered and dealt with, the recovery can be really fast. You just have to make sure that aside from the treatments, you also lead a healthy and active lifestyle.