Hemorrhoids and homeopathy clearly go well in terms of effectiveness in alleviating soreness and aches. A number of remedies for hemorrhoids are as follows:
Aloe – Swollen disruptive varicose veins on the rectal area may stick out. This can be relieved using cold compresses or sometimes tiny ice cubes can do the work. Hemorrhoids that may be troublesome may alternate with diarrhea with increased excessive gas in the digestive system.
Aesculus hippocastanum – As hemorrhoids become tender, a bit inflamed and painful, this remedy is useful. When the person has moved his bowels, the pain may continue for hours. This remedy is appropriate for those who feel there is a mass or there is a feeling of prickly sticks within the rectal area that pokes them. Piercing pain may be experienced not only on that area but also on the lower back. This is also useful for relieving low back pains and problems.
Amica Montana – This remedy relieves soreness and aching particularly when the area is over-exerted or forced like during birthing or lifting heavy objects which caused the hemorrhoids
Graphites – This non-toxic system of remedy is good for hemorrhoids that are sore, cause stinging pain, fissures, and itchiness in the rectal area. Individuals who need this relief are usually on the heavy side, hard to focus, and have skin outbreaks.
Calcarea fluorica – This is typically used for bleeding hemorrhoids. The person may also experience itchiness around the rectal area and may have difficulties in moving bowels and excessive gas in the digestive tract. It is also indicated for discomfort in the lower back related to existence of internal hemorrhoids.
Ignatia – This is indicated for pulsating sensation and sharp pain in the rectum related to the presence of hemorrhoids. Around the rectal area and the sacrum at the back feels painful. Sensitiveness and bleeding gets aggravated with diarrhea. Rectal prolapse may occur after moving bowels.
Hamamelis – Hemorrhoids and homeopathy use work effectively with hamamelis. This is indicated for individuals who experience contractions and sharp pain caused by hemorrhoids. These symptoms may be aggravated when applied with warm compress. Pain is also felt when coughing.
Nux vomica – This remedy relieves itchiness and sensitive hemorrhoids. It is indicated when the person feels constricted in the anal area and has difficulty with bowel movement. Persons who need this remedy are those who are easily irritated, anxious, intolerant, and use lots of stimulants and drugs, take in spicy food, and drink lots of alcohol.
Pulsatilla – This is indicated when a person feels poking sticks in the rectal area where there is also itchiness and pain due to hemorrhoids. The distended veins often protrude and are relieved when in a supine position. Symptoms are worsened with warmth. This is an effective relief when hemorrhoids appear in the course of pregnancy or during menstruation.
Sulphur – Hemorrhoids and homeopathy using sulfur is effective for remedying symptoms. This is used to relieve itchiness, stinging, and bleeding hemorrhoids. The person may have excess gas in the digestive tract and pressure in the belly region. The rectal area is swollen with protrusion and is reddish. Taking a bath and applying warmth may aggravate symptoms. Flatulence releases a very strong and unpleasant odor.