More and more people are suffering from hemorrhoids. You do not have to suffer for a long time if you are going to make some changes in the foods you eat. It is important that you take extra care in what you consume in order not to aggravate the pain you experience. It is just a matter of discipline in your food consumption and proper meal planning. Experts say that it is highly recommended that you plan your own meals in order to watch everything you eat.
What you ought to know
Hemorrhoids happen when you have swollen and inflamed veins in the anus and lower rectum area. It is a result of pressure or straining during your bowel movement. The signs of hemorrhoids include itching, bleeding and discomfort. You can relieve yourself from all the signs if you are going to change some of your habits and improve your lifestyle. Simple treatments at home can be done without the need of spending too much. One key solution is to avoid certain foods in order to control and reduce your hemorrhoids.
Refined grains
Foods with low content of fiber will lead to hemorrhoids. Fiber is one of the contributory factors to make your stool soften and increase the quantity during your bowel movements. Fiber helps you to avoid straining when defecating which lead to the development of hemorrhoids and aggravation of the signs. The foods that are low in fiber content have been reduced of bran component. Refined grains are on top of the list. These are white rice, white bread and commercially-produced goods such as pies, cakes and cookies. Most health experts will advise you to consume grains rich in fiber especially if you are already suffering from hemorrhoids. Include in your meals the following, brown rice, whole-wheat bread and oatmeal. Fruits and vegetables are also high in fiber content.
Alcohol beverages
If you have been suffering from hemorrhoids, you may not have been drinking adequate amounts of fluids. The lack of enough fluids in your body may lead to hemorrhoids. It is highly recommended that you avoid alcoholic beverages in order to prevent making your hemorrhoids worst. Take note that alcohol will help you dehydrate. Once you are dehydrated, you will have a hard time during bowel movements. It will make you uncomfortable. You will increase the pressure in the lower region of your rectum which highly contributes to intensify hemorrhoids. Drink at least eight to 10 glasses of water each day. Make it a habit to bring with you a tumbler filled with water to encourage you to drink more water.
Also avoid foods that will only pass by and partially digested in your colon such as red pepper, mustard and nuts. Stay away from too much consumption of low-fiber foods such as dairy products, fish, eggs, meat and poultry. These foods will lead to bleeding hemorrhoids and agitate your sensitive area.
Keep in mind always that you need to control yourself in consuming foods low in fiber. You will notice that once you limit your intake of low-fiber foods, your bowel movement will improve.