Hemorrhoids and Yoga: Poses and Exercises

By | January 31, 2018

Traditional hemorrhoid treatments include increasing oral fluid intake to improve hydration, fiber intake to provide the stool’s solid structure, NSAID analgesics, hemorrhoids cushions, hemorrhoids herbs, hemorrhoids ointments, creams and pills. Surgery is the last resort; it is undertaken when other measures do not work well with a patient.

Aside from these treatments, some patients also incorporate yoga poses and exercises.

Poses and Exercises: How Yoga Helps

Yoga poses and exercises can only relieve pain and swelling of the vascular structures in the anus. They cannot help cure hemorrhoids. There are specific yoga poses and exercises that help lessen pressure and lower temperature around the anal region. It is said that these poses and exercises can also help reduce inflammation so that one can sleep, walk and sit comfortably.

The following yoga poses and exercises are also recommended for treating diabetic patients.

Specific Poses and Exercises

Here, we explain three yoga exercises.

Supported Headstand

This exercise is believed to be able to improve circulation, which is a necessary precursor to healing. Through blood circulation, the cells receive nutrients and the immune system’s defense mechanism is activated.

This exercise is also helpful in decreasing edema. Research has also found that through this exercise the pituitary and the pineal glands are vigorously activated.

Place a yoga mat on the floor and kneel on it. With head on the mat, place your forearms also on the floor but beside the mat. With one big push, carry your legs up towards the ceiling. Make your legs and spinal column as straight as possible. Stay in this position as long as you can hold. Repeat these steps over and over until you feel blood rushing to every part of the body.

At first you need your forearms to support your entire weight. In time, you’ll be able to do it without the help of forearms pushing on the floor.

The Candle Pose

This one has been proven to improve the defense work of the immune system, as well as enhance the function of the thyroid and the parathyroid glands. Fold one or two blankets on the yoga mat and place it under your back, while lying with your eyes on the ceiling and with your head and neck on the yoga mat.

Lift the middle part of your from the floor until your legs are pointed to the ceiling. Squeeze your stomach tight so that the toes and your back are perpendicular to the floor. Stay in this position for as long as you can.

The Fish Pose

The Fish pose gives the same benefits of Candle Pose except that it can reduce inflammation a lot better. This also has the capacity to relieve tension at the neck and at the shoulders.

Lie on your back and with arms at sides. Lift your chest upward with the force coming from your arms, legs and head. Then lift your head by extending your neck closer to the chest. Stay in this position for about 30 seconds. If you can, you may extend this time. You may do this pose with the knees bent or not.

Many people have found these exercises very helpful not only for hemorrhoids condition but also for other diseases as well. One already mentioned here is diabetes. There are reports claiming that yoga exercises can also help in treating cancer and various gastrointestinal diseases.