It is common for pregnant women to experience a lot of discomfort during pregnancy. Some of such discomforts are back pain, nausea and headaches but one which makes a pregnant woman very uncomfortable is hemorrhoids. Because of the pressure which the uterus puts to the inferior vena cava and the pelvic veins, the veins become swollen or dilated. Hemorrhoids usually occur during the third trimester as there becomes more pressure.
Hemorrhoids- What Are They?
Hemorrhoids, also called as piles, are veins found in the rectal area which became swollen or dilated. Its size may be as small as a pea or as large as a grape. Hemorrhoids may be present outside the anus or inside the rectum. It is a condition which affects up to 50% of pregnant women.
What Are The Symptoms?
Symptoms include bleeding which can be seen as bright red streaks of blood in the feces, mild to moderate rectal pain and itching.
Hemorrhoids and Pregnancy- How Are Hemorrhoids Treated?
Here are some of the effective ways to relieve the pain which hemorrhoids give:
•Use witch hazel. Get some clean cotton pads and soak it in witch hazel. Then apply the soaked cotton pads to your hemorrhoids. Remember to change the pads often. You may easily buy witch hazel over-the-counter at several pharmacies.
•Do not sit for long periods of time. When you sit, the pressure in your rectum and anus increases. Because of this, you have to take frequent breaks if you have to sit for several hours. When lying, try not to lie on your back.
•Apply ice packs. You may use a cold compress or ice packs to apply to your anus. You have to do this several times a day in order to get rid of swelling.
•Use over-the-counter medicines. Before buying any creams for hemorrhoids, you have to ask your doctor first about which medicines you may safely use while you are pregnant. However, these medications are only used to relieve the symptoms and not to get rid of hemorrhoids.
•Soak in a tub filled with warm water. Make sure that the water is just warm and not hot. Soak in it several times every day.
•Always maintain the cleanliness of your anal area. When cleaning, it will be more comfortable and less painful if you will use pre-moistened wipes instead of dry tissue paper. There are certain medicated wipes that are specifically used for cleaning hemorrhoids. Also, do not use wipes which contain alcohol or perfume.
•Prevent being constipated. You can do so by drinking lots of water and fluids, including fibrous fruits in your diet and exercising regularly.
•Apply petroleum jelly. Apply some on your rectum to ease the pain. This will also help make bowel movements easier.
Those are some of the information you need to know about hemorrhoids and pregnancy. You must know that hemorrhoids usually resolve on its own. But in some cases, hemorrhoids persist and therefore will need surgical treatment.