Hemorrhoids and exercise are probably two words that most people don’t really relate with one another. The former is a condition that is painful, annoying, and embarrassing for most people to deal with. The latter is physical exertion that’s meant to strengthen the body and improve physique. The problem stems from the fact that some exercises can worsen a person’s hemorrhoids.
What are hemorrhoids?
Simply put, hemorrhoids are different parts of the blood vessels that can be found in the anus that have become bumpy or swollen. Hemorrhoids come in two forms, either inside the or outside of a person’s body. An internal hemorrhoid tends to be painless with rectal bleeding during bowel movements being the only apparent symptom. An external hemorrhoid is the one that causes a lot of discomfort and itching in the area surrounding the anus.
Hemorrhoids are more of a nuisance than anything else, but if left uncheck, can be the cause of intense pain.
Hemorrhoids and exercise don’t always mix
Exercise is an important factor in living a healthy lifestyle. The problem with some exercises is that they can worsen someone’s hemorrhoids. It’s important to know what kinds of exercises are safe when someone has hemorrhoids.
Weight lifting is one of the most essential activities in any exercise program. As any weight lifter will attest to, proper breathing is very important. However, some breathing techniques can actually worsen a person’s hemorrhoids. The Valsalva maneuver is a technique used by some weight lifters to hold their breath while lifting weights. This should be avoided as the maneuver can put unwanted stress on pre-existing hemorrhoids.
The rule of thumb when it comes to which exercise to avoid is the pain. Any exercise that puts unwanted strain on the hemorrhoids will result in pain. Cycling, horseback riding, and rowing are some of the few exercises that can put pressure on sensitive areas. Activities that put pressure on the lower back and lower abdomen should also be avoided as much as possible. Weightlifting and resistance
Exercises that help prevent or treat hemorrhoids
Any kind of exercise that promotes blood flow is the kind of exercise that helps prevent and treat hemorrhoids. The increased amount of blood flow means more oxygen and nutrients are getting to the affected areas. The oxygen and nutrients helps by reducing the inflammation around the affected area.
Cardio exercises are excellent for increasing blood flow. Running, walking, jogging, and swimming are all cardiovascular exercises that are suitable for people who currently have hemorrhoids. It must be noted that not all cardiovascular exercises are ideal for people with hemorrhoids. Cycling for example is an exercise that helps promote blood flow, but still puts stress on sensitive areas.
Other more exotic or unique forms of exercise also can also help in preventing hemorrhoids. Yoga for example tends to strengthen and develops muscles in tender areas. For those who prefer something a lot simpler, the buttocks press is probably the best option. Simply constrict and loosen the muscles in the buttocks while standing or sitting.
Remember, there’s a complicated relationship between hemorrhoids and exercise; some are good while others just makes things worse.