Acupuncture, just like yoga, is one of the best medicinal alternatives in treating diseases. This methodology originated in ancient China, and although scientific research hasn’t yet proven its effectiveness, the use of acupuncture has been recommended – even for treating hemorrhoids. To date, the efficacy of this methodology is still controversial. Wikipedia reports, however, that acupuncture is tentatively endorsed for certain conditions by the World Health Organization, National Institutes of Health, National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine, and the National Health Service of the United Kingdom.
Incorporating Acupuncture
Although yoga and acupuncture can help a great deal, a hemorrhoids patient should always be careful to avoid things that aggravate the condition.
•Avoid consuming spicy and greasy foods. Instead pack your diet with foods that are rich in fiber like green leafy vegetable and fruits. Spicy and greasy foods cause the stomach to release too much acid, which can increase the amount of gas inside. This can make bowel movements hard and can therefore put strain on the rectal wall.
•Avoid sitting long hours. When sitting, the rectal tissues are subjected to pressure coming from the chair. But it is not only that. Sitting for long hours can increase the temperature between the buttocks and chair. This can inflame the tissues inside the anus. You need to stand once in a while.
However, you should not stand too long also and if your job requires you to stand very long in a day, quit that job. Standing makes the blood in the body to naturally stay long at the lower part and so the tendency is for the blood vessels to hold blood amounts beyond their capacity. Rectal blood vessels also experience the same.
Make sure you are engaged in different activities over long periods of time.
•Exercise, exercise and exercise. This is to improve blood circulation and relaxation of the mind and the muscles. You see, you need peace of mind because the more you worry about your condition, the more it gets worse.
•Drink plenty of fluids. Especially during summer, increase your fluid consumption.
Benefits of Acupuncture
It is said that the best that acupuncture can do is to improve your mindset. Well, that’s good but there are minor benefits as well. It can make the nerves release energy throughout the body and improve nervous communication.
These are very good things that can help you to recover. But it is best to take note of the things that are recommended here.