People suffering from diabetes are more likely to have hemorrhoids, a medical condition characterized by an inflammation of the blood vessels in the rectum and anal area. This is often caused by having low-fiber and low-water diet, recurring constipation or diarrhea, obesity and sitting on the commode for a lengthy period. There are drugs, creams and natural herbs that can cure this medical condition, but patients with diabetes should talk to their physicians about safer treatment options made available to them.
Medical experts have stated that although diabetes and hemorrhoids completely differ in nature, they are linked to each other due to symptoms surrounding diabetes. Diabetics often experience high blood pressure and high blood sugar levels. The imbalance within the body induces constipation or diarrhea and causes veins in the rectum to increase in size. Moreover, diabetics are easily dehydrated due to frequent urination, and the significant decrease of water in the body leads to constipation. It is evident how both medical conditions become more intense as they co-exist in a patient.
Fortunately, a person suffering from diabetes can be treated for hemorrhoids through proper medication and changes in lifestyle. Here are safer ways to treat this medical condition:
•If the burning sensation and pain is felt on the anus, use a local anesthetic to stop the symptoms. Benzocaine, pramoxine, dibucaine, tetracaine and lidocaine are the active ingredients in local anesthetics that help relieve the itchiness and eliminate the pain & discomfort. Consult with your physician on the best anesthetic for your condition.
•Astringents made of calamine, zinc oxide and witch hazel can be wiped over the affected area. These astringents will dry-up the tissues and stop the itching.
•Protect the skin and blood vessels on your rectum by inserting glycerin suppositories or putting lanolin cream.
•Do not use vasoconstrictors, a category of hemorrhoid medication that constricts the blood vessels and relieves the itching and discomfort. Vasoconstrictors increase both blood sugar and blood pressure levels, thus becoming harmful to the diabetic.
•Mix warm water and Epsom salt in a bathtub, and sit there for 15 minutes to relieve the swelling.
•Eat a healthy and nutritious diet. Include more fiber-rich foods in your diet such as brown rice, oats, wheat bread, fruits and vegetables. Yoghurt is an excellent option because it contains healthy bacteria that helps maintain pH balance in the digestive track. In addition, digesting food with healthy oils such as olive oil and canola oil produces softer bowels.
•Avoid eating food that will contribute to difficult bowel movement. Refrain from high-cholesterol foods such as eggs, red meat and sweets. In addition, do not eat spicy food because it will increase the burning sensation on your rectum.
•Drink 8-10 glasses of water everyday to keep you hydrated and your bodily systems running. Avoid drinks that dehydrate the body such as coffee, colas and other sweet beverages.
•Taking a psyllium fiber food supplement will help clean your colon and regulate your bowel movement.