Hemorrhoid creams for adults

By | January 31, 2018

When it comes to hemorrhoids creams, they usually contain a mixture of local anesthesia component, pain reliever, vasoconstrictor, protectant, astringent, and probably may contain corticosteroid as well. These are important in order that the substance used can really work on relieving uncomfortable and troublesome symptoms of hemorrhoids. These creams make use of substances that bind active components to be combined together. What may be effective for one individual may not work for another. So like with other forms of treatments, finding the right one may take time.

Typical ingredients of hemorrhoids creams

•Ingredients that alleviate pain or analgesics – Makers of these cream products commonly use analgesics to prevent pain. These components are camphor, juniper tar, and menthol. Anesthetics like the commonly used benzocaine are typically used to make the affected area insensitive and be relieved from itchiness, sensitivity, and pain.

•Astringent ingredients – Astringents like Witch hazel and other botanical extracts found in creams also prevent itchiness and pain, but not in the same way analgesics do. Horse chestnut seed extracts should be used in moderation. Instead of anesthetizing pain receptors, astringents work to soothe the irritated and inflamed area.

•Moisturizing ingredients – Moisturizers in creams like glycerin work effectively in alleviating inflammation and inhibit dryness.

•Steroidal ingredients – Steroids have a number of medical purposes. Individuals who have hemorrhoids can be relieved using steroids applied on the skin to diminish inflammation or swelling and promote repair of tissues. As the distended veins get smaller in size, they become less irritating. Majority of creams with steroid component needs recommendation by a physician. They are very effective for severe and acute inflammation.

•Vasoconstrictor ingredients – because hemorrhoids are distended veins or blood vessels, vasoconstrictors like ephedrine can reduce the flow of blood to that particular area in order for the inflamed blood vessels to become smaller. This helps in alleviating itchiness, irritation, and tenderness related to inflammation

Application of hemorrhoids creams

With the use of warm water and gentle soap or cleansing tissue, clean the affected part with gentle strokes. Lightly pat dry the area with soft fabric or tissue prior to the application of a cream preparation. Spread the cream over the external area four times a day, particularly during nighttime and after every bowel movement. The cream is only applied externally or within the lower part of the anal canal. There are creams in the market with caps useful for proper application.

How long does it take for hemorrhoids symptoms to be relieved?

Recuperation of moderate cases of hemorrhoids may occur within a few days. Nevertheless, physicians caution against the use of hemorrhoid creams for long periods. These products may also cause irritation when used for extended periods.

Advantages and disadvantages of using cream preparations


•fast relief


•temporary relief
•unwanted side-effects in some products

For severe symptoms, stronger cream formulations may be used as remedy. For minor symptoms, apply topical treatment only as necessary to relieve symptoms. The body has the ability to get used to the medication. Use for long periods makes it ineffective. Long term use also aggravates the overall condition because the body will already refrain from working properly when restoring affected tissues when use of medication is terminated.