If you are experiencing an itching, burning or stinging sensation on your rectum coupled with small lumps, then you are one in 100 million people who are suffering from hemorrhoids. This medical condition is manifested through swollen veins inside the rectum or outside the anus which causes protrusions in the anal tissue that can be very uncomfortable and painful. Its main causes include diarrhea or constipation, anal sex, lack of fiber in your food, and dehydration. Studies have shown that some people are more prone to developing this medical condition than others, specifically those who are pregnant, obese and diabetic.
A multitude of treatments are available to relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids, such as astringents, topical creams and suppositories. But if you want to eliminate this condition naturally, then it is best to start by altering your lifestyle through healthier food choices. The following food items are said to heal rectum and anal problems by maintaining a healthy digestive system:
1.Whole Grains
Eat more of these fiber-enriched foods instead of the refined versions. Refrain from eating white bread and white rice. Instead, eat healthier options such as whole grain breads, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, organic cereals, oatmeal, popcorn and whole wheat crackers. Whole grains contain micronutrients that help keep the bowels soft, thus preventing constipation. In addition, whole grains help prevent colon cancer by eliminating pressure in the intestine caused by digestion problems.
This food group, characterized by seeds encased in a pod, is similar to whole grains because it is high in fiber and contains micronutrients that aid in digestion. Moreover, legumes are good sources of protein and phytochemicals, which are said to decrease the risk of having cancer. Some examples of legumes are green peas, black-eyed peas, lentils, soybeans, peanuts, kidney beans, and lima beans.
Apart from fiber, fruits contain vitamin C and a lesser known vitamin called bioflavanoid. Bioflavanoids come from the natural pigment of fruits that help maintain healthy blood vessels and prevent cell damage. The best fruits for hemorrhoids include bananas, oranges, papaya, cantaloupe, cherry, blackberry and blueberry. These fruits help soften stools and contain small amounts of fatty acid that helps control pain.
Vegetables are the best source of anti-oxidants and soluble fiber. The soluble fiber in your diet absorbs more water during the digestion process, thus making your stool softer and your intestines free from pressure that may lead to a hemorrhoid problem. Vegetable soups are good sources of soluble fiber, but it is still better to eat raw or slightly boiled veggies such as broccoli, corn, potatoes, cabbage, carrots and spinach. Eat a minimum of five servings of vegetables per day to help relieve the symptoms in your rectum and anus.
Keep the body hydrated by drinking at least 10 glasses of water each day. Water, which makes up 75% of the human body, will keep all of the vital organs running and help proper digestion and blood circulation. On the other hand, if you feel like drinking a flavored beverage, opt for juiced berries such as pomegranates and black currants which are known to help cleanse the liver. Refrain from drinking fluids that may strip the body of water, such as coffee, colas, alcohol and artificial fruit juice.