Health 101: Hemorrhoid in Children

By | January 31, 2018

Hemorrhoids develop whenever the veins in the rectal area become swollen. It can lead to burning, bleeding, itching and pain which can be very unbearable to small children. Hemorrhoids in children may not be severe unlike in adults. It might go away naturally and clear up on its own. However, treatment is still necessary to help the discomfort it gives a child with hemorrhoids.

Anal care

When you are traveling and water is not available, use baby wipes instead of toilet paper after every bowel movement. This is to prevent harsh rubbing and wiping in the anal part. Make sure that the anal area is always clean and dry. Avoid using soaps that contain harsh chemicals. Always pat dry the anal area with a towel after every shower. Encourage your child to do a bowel movement everyday to prevent constipation. Take note, constipation can aggravate hemorrhoids. Prevent creating pressure during bowel movement through not letting your child linger on sitting on the toilet bowl. Make sure that your child will not sit for more than five minutes to avoid straining.

Home remedies

You can do several home remedies that are safe for kids. These will definitely ease the discomfort and pain related to hemorrhoids.

•Administer infant and children ibuprofen to relieve from inflammation and pain. Make sure to ask your child’s pediatrician for the right dosage appropriate for your child’s weight and age.

•Let your child have a sitz bath for about 20 to 30 minutes for a couple of times in a day. All you have to do is fill the bathtub with warm water about four inches or up to the hips level of your child. Soak your child. You have the option to put oatmeal powder to give soothing relief. Sitz bath works because it cleans the affected part and helps increase the circulation of blood on the said area.

•Another way to soothe the itchiness is to sprinkle cornstarch on the anal part.

•Wrap ice cubes with a towel and put it on the affected anal region for about five minutes to remove discomfort and pain.

•Petroleum jelly is an excellent simple remedy as well to be applied directly on your child’s rectum. This will allow easy passage of stools and avoid any irritation during bowel movement.

•Encourage your child to be more mobile and active to strengthen muscles, boost immunity and to improve his or her blood circulation.


The foods that your child eats play important role in treating hemorrhoids. Include in your child’s diet high in fiber to prevent developing of hemorrhoids. Most of the time, constipation is the culprit. Foods rich in fiber helps reduce constipation and promote regular bowel movements. Encourage your child to consume more fruits, vegetables, breads, whole grain cereals, whole grain pasta, brown rice, seeds, nuts, lentils and beans. Avoid serving processed food, cakes, cookies and ice creams. Give your child a sippy tumbler to bring wherever he or she goes. This will encourage your child to drink plenty of water during the day.