Hemorrhoids are cysts that originated from swelling veins in the anus region, often acquired either genetically or due to certain factors such as having chronic constipation, aging, pregnancy or poor diet. There are instances where hemorrhoids seem worse and end up bleeding, a case which most people consider dangerous and could even be fatal. There are also instances where it is seen as a pre-stage of rectal or colon cancer. There are a lot of factors on why one ends up having this disorder, and eating foods that cause hemorrhoids is definitely among those.
There are certain trigger foods that cause hemorrhoids, and it would help you a lot to know what these are. Doing so will allow you to be mindful of what to eat in balance and caution, so as to ensure that you will be able to maintain a fit and healthy, as well as a hemorrhoid-free body.
Alcohol. Consuming alcohol often results to dehydration—a reason why it is strongly advised to consume your alcoholic beverages with extreme caution and moderation. Dehydration is a common cause of constipation and strained bowel movements, as it makes your stool become dry and rigid.
Foods Rich in Artificial Sugar. Some known foods that cause hemorrhoids are those that are rich in artificial sugar such as cakes, muffins, and doughnuts. Studies show that one of the reasons for having constipation and ulcer is too much consumption of sweets. This may eventually lead to swelling of the veins in the rectal and anal area.
Foods that are Salty. Just like sweets, salty foods could also cause the inflammation of the rectal and anal veins and result in hemorrhoids. This is so because the high sodium level intake of your body often results to increase in blood pressure, eventually leading to swelling of veins—including the rectal and anal veins in a domino effect.
Fatty Foods. It was said that eating white meat contributes a lot in helping prevent hemorrhoids. This is so because lean meats such as beef, ham, lambs and sausages contain saturated fats. These types of fat have the potential to harden your stools, making it difficult to have a smoother digestion and bowel movement. In an obvious effect, hard stools will often result in constipation as it will put tension in your rectal muscles, and may only lead to the development of hemorrhoids.
It is worthy to note that hemorrhoids heal on its own. As in the rest of the body, a swelling body part will only require a few moments of rest. But there are instances where hemorrhoids appear much worse than it could usually become, and would require no other option but to have it removed in a medical procedure. Taking note of what must and must not be taken helps you take better care of yourself, and along the way help you realize that no matter how simple the case may look like, it must still be dealt with utmost care to ensure your own health and safety at the end of the day.