No matter what people do, irritating and painful hemorrhoids are very distracting. A person affected with it will not be able to perform normally. Jobs or school works will also have to suffer from the limited movement that person makes. The hardest part for this condition will be the process of bowel movement. The area near the anus region is already sore enough but hard and firm stools can make it even worse. The reason why it can be painful is that the exposed nerve endings are very sensitive. The painful experience can also be accompanied with burning and itchy sensations when the swollen mass is moved or touched. Hemorrhoids, also referred to as piles, are inflamed and swollen vascular vessels in the anal canal. It affect individuals in their peak age from forty-five (45) to sixty-five (65). Hemorrhoids are best treated at home. Medical and surgical management usually becomes necessary when the condition gets more complicated such as when there’s already bleeding or when the hemorrhoid bulges and then becomes prolapsed. The following are effective home remedies to treat the discomfort brought by those painful oodles on the bottom:
Butcher’s Broom
Butcher’s Broom is another plant herb whose name was derived from its being used by butchers in Europe in cleaning their chopping boards. Traditionally, this plant herb has been used to treat varicose veins and hemorrhoidal conditions as a means to counter poor blood vein circulation. Ruscogen, the active compound in the plant herb, contains anti-inflammatory properties that shrink the tissue cause of the hemorrhoidal condition. Administration of the herb can be made in tea form, oral ingestion of the capsule preparation or applied topically in its ointment form. Although it is bitter, one may add honey to give it some taste. All that is needed is one teaspoon of the herb to be mixed in hot water and can be taken after fifteen minutes.
Bioflavonoids are plant based flavonoids found abundant in citrus fruits, herperidin, diosmin and oxerutins. The flavonoids compound work as a stabilizing agent and strengthen the walls of the blood vessels thereby decreasing inflammation. Pain, anal discomfort and discharge during a hemorrhoidal attack are countered by properties of this plant herb. It helps very much that bioflavonoids generally do not cause any side effects nonetheless there are mild side effects that are reported but these cases seem to be rare. It promises to be a good treatment for pregnant women who have hemorrhoids. Hence a number of pregnant women should take this in order to alleviate their bleeding and lessen their anal discharge, but ask your doctor first to be sure. It is important to note that if you are taking medications for breast cancer, consult your doctor first before taking bioflavonoid especially tangeretin, because it can be dangerous for your condition.
Fiber is a plant based abundant compound relieves symptoms and bleeding during hemorrhoidal episodes. Taken orally, fiber softens stool formation and reduces straining during bowel movement. This compound can be found abundant in foods such as whole grains as well as vegetables. Ingestion of fiber supplements in the form of psyllium (one teaspoon) is enough to get the health benefits of the fiber compound.
Apple Cider
Another home remedy to manage hemorrhoid discomfort is through the use of apple cider vinegar. Apple cider is popular for the wide ranging health benefits it provides. When applied to the hemorrhoid tissues, apple cider effectively relieves the pain and itchiness. Use a cotton swab when applying apple cider on the hemorrhoid tissues. When apple cider is ingested, it can maintain good digestion, therefore preventing constipation which contributes to the development of a hemorrhoid. Apple cider is also a known anti-coagulant, making it helpful in preventing bleeding from the hemorrhoid.
Psyllium is a known laxative and a bulk-forming agent. The fibers of the psyllium seeds aid in softening the stool which bulks up and sweeps through the colon smoothly. Because of the large and soft stools, the hemorrhoid becomes less inflamed and painful. Moreover, the development of the hemorrhoids is prevented when the digestion is as smooth as this.
Sitz Bath and Epsom salt
Sitz bath is always one of the most effective remedy for hemorrhoid discomfort. You can search the internet for the effective hemorrhoid remedies and you’ll always find the two words “sitz bath” always appearing on the lists you find. Sitz bath has been used for many years already for the management of hemorrhoid. This is performed by soaking your bottom under the warm water from the sitz bath for about 8 to 10 minutes. Relief is felt afterwards. You can repeat this procedure for as many times as you want. Research shows that four to five warm sitz bath a day can already provide satisfactory results. Sitz bath can be bought in many health stores and pharmacies.
One remedy for hemorrhoids is to soak the affected area into a bath of Epsom salt. Epsom salt is made from different ingredients but magnesium and its other sulfates are what make it very effective as a remedy. These ingredients can reduce the inflammation of the blood vessel and it can also provide pain relief. Preparing the bath can be a challenge though since the amount of Epsom salt must be determined through a trial and error experiment. Start out with only few amount of Epsom salt and gradually increase its concentration until relief can be felt. For those who would want to soak the body in a tub of this mixture, they can add one cup of this salt to a 6 inch high water. Sit in the tub with knees bended towards the chest to expose the affected area.
Cold Applications
Ice packs, just like warm water, can also provide relief to hemorrhoidal discomfort. The coldness numbs the area, deactivating the nerves that send signals of pain to the brain. Cold application is done for 15 to 20 minutes. It’s recommended to apply ice packs over the bottom after sitz bath.
Horse Chestnut
Horse Chestnut is a herb that is highly recommended to alleviate poor blood circulation in the veins (also known as chronic venous insufficiency), available in capsule and tea form. Folk medicine has it that this herb relieves inflammation and swelling of blood vessels. Aescin is the active compound in this natural herb. Side effects of being administered with this herbal compound include severe bleeding, kidney damage, liver damage and bruising. Additionally, the seeds and the bark of the horse chestnut should be the only ones utilized because the other parts of the herb are toxic.
Witch Hazel Cream
The plant hamamelis virginiana is the source of this cream. It is extracted from the leaves and bark of the plant. The cream is topically applied in the rectal area. The extracted form from the plants is available in medicated pad, ointment or distilled liquid preparations. There is widespread belief that the extract from this plant herb decreases hemorrhoids’ bleeding with its astringent action. Testimonies abound that this plant extract relieves pain, itchiness and swelling due to a hemorrhoidal condition.
The swollen blood vessels can easily become bigger and may develop to a size as wide as a finger. When these things become bigger, they can be easily irritated and can be very painful. Applying a dab of witch hazel to it can reduce its size. Witch hazel can also provide relief when the swollen vessel starts to itch. Generally, when this is left alone, it can grow to bigger sizes that would require surgery as a solution.
Being a century-old herbal medicine for pain relief, witch hazel is another herb that alleviates the pain and itching brought about by hemorrhoids. Witch hazel is applied topically using cotton balls. Witch hazel sprays are also available in many pharmacies and other health shops.
Aside from the relief it brings, witch hazel is also helpful in adding support for the blood vessels on the rectal wall area upon its application. This is because witch hazel contains proanthocyanidins, chemicals that strengthens the vein walls. This makes the use of witch hazel an effective remedy not only to provide relief but also to prevent hemorrhoid recurrence.
Grape Seed Oil
Extract and oil from grape seed are rich in flavonoids and proanthocyandin, which are substances that help diminish the amount of collected blood within the blood vessels. This makes it an all-natural treatment for hemorrhoids that are oozing blood. Its organic steroid components help in reducing swelling and discomfort, which helps in effectively managing severe hemorrhoid cases.
Hemorrhoids won’t disappear after just one session of treatment. It needs to be constantly cared for. These treatments can last for a few weeks before the problem can be solved. For a faster recovery, never scratch the area when it becomes itchy to avoid contaminating other areas. Lastly, a person affected should also watch his/her diet. Constipation is caused by a poor diet. Eating high fiber foods can make stools softer which then results to a better and less stressful bowel movement.