Hemorrhoids are irritating and often painful. Usually, the first step to take would be to eliminate the cause of the piles, which is usually constipation. When that is done, the inflammation of the hemorrhoids will subside on its own. However, you can do something to relieve swelling and itching, and or help reduce the inflammation. Whenever you have a case of the piles, you can use home remedies, medication or, for severe cases, surgery to treat it. If you choose medication, you might be a bit overwhelmed by what is available in the market. Usually, your doctor will prescribe you the proper medication but, just to make you feel at ease, here is a guide to common prescription medication for hemorrhoids.
There are over the counter drugs that you can get to treat the piles. However, the severity and circumstances of each case varies from person to person and it is best to get a prescription after having your hemorrhoids examined. Corticosteroids are present in most medication. They are responsible for reducing inflammation but they should not be used for a long period of time. Ideally, this should be used for moderate to severe cases. Medications that have mild corticosteroids can be bought over the counter but stronger ones require prescription. Medical advice is recommended to know the amount of corticosteroids you should be taking.
Hydrocortisone is the corticosteroid present in hemorrhoid medication and common prescription medication include Anusol, Anucort, Proctocort, Proctosol and Proctozone. Aside from reducing inflammation, they also help relieve itching and swelling.
Some of these come in cream or suppository. Some people are not comfortable with using suppositories so you can ask your doctor to give you a prescription for cream medication. Although the location of your piles may also determine which type of medication you should get. Creams cannot reach internal hemorrhoids as effectively as suppositories do. Suppositories also offer longer relief since the active ingredients are released gradually as opposed to creams that provide relief quickly but for a shorter period of time.
As with any prescription drugs, you have to inform your doctor regarding your medical history and what other drugs you are taking. Giving your doctor a list of previous medical conditions will determine whether you can take the said medications. Corticosteroids can also hamper your body’s ability to respond to physical stress. If you have had any serious injury or illness or have had surgery recently, you should let your doctor know. Taking corticosteroids too soon might not allow your body to recover properly.
Overdose of any medication is usually dangerous. Long term usage of corticosteroids will damage your skin. It is also linked to stunting height in children. If you have never used corticosteroids before, you may not know that you are allergic to it. As soon as you feel any discomfort while using it, contact your doctor right away. Aside from allergic reactions, worsening of symptoms of piles during use is also a cause for worry.
Common prescription medications for hemorrhoids mentioned above are generally effective and safe. However, you should still be responsible in using them. There may be side effects but it is very rare, especially if you don’t overdose or you clean the anal area before application or use. If the medication does not work for you, you can ask your doctor for other treatment options.