Bleeding Hemorrhoids: What to Eat and Not to Eat

By | January 31, 2018

Hemorrhoids happen once the vein surrounding your anus and lower rectum suffer from too much pressure that will lead to swell and get inflamed. Once the swelling causes your veins to burst, you will suffer from bleeding hemorrhoids. It is a painful condition but will not put your life at stake. For severe cases of hemorrhoids, your doctor might perform surgery in order to repair the damaged veins. Most doctors will recommend changes in your diet in order to help your body heal on its own. The most effective dietary treatment is to consume foods rich in fiber and add more fluids intake.

What to eat

Follow a high-fiber meal plan in order to manage, prevent and treat your bleeding hemorrhoids. Your body lacks the needed digestive enzymes in order to break down the fiber you consume to transform it to energy. It goes through the digestive system as it helps the digested parts of the foods swim along. A healthy diet rich in insoluble and soluble fiber will help prevent constipation which is the leading cause of hemorrhoids. Fiber is found from edible plants which is indigestible roughage. Making some adjustments with your diet will help promote healthy digestion and prevent pressure and swelling which causes bleeding hemorrhoids.

Consume whole grains such as whole-wheat pasta, barley, brown rice, bran and wheat bread. These food items are rich in fiber compared to refined white flours. Prefer to eat peas, artichokes, beet greens, turnip, brussels, spinach, raspberries, apples, pears, lentils, pecans and almonds because these are anti-hemorrhoids foods.

Make it a habit as well to drink lots of fluids in order to keep you hydrated. Bring with you a Sippy tumbler of water wherever you go. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages to prevent dehydration.

What not to eat

Make your life easier. Stop the pain, itchiness and discomfort through avoiding certain foods such as:

•White flour, such as white bread and white pasta

•Refined sugars, such as commercially made desserts

•Desserts that are high in sugar

•Food items rich in fat, such as fried foods or fast food items

•Processed meats, such as bacon, baloney and salami

•Breakfast cereals that are rich in sugar

Other reminders and tips

•An alternative solution for your hemorrhoids is taking sitz baths or warm baths two times a day. Warm baths will help reduce the swelling of your hemorrhoids. Just fill the bath tub with warm water at hips level. Soak yourself for 15 to 20 minutes.

•After your bowel movement, you need to clean your anus carefully with baby wipes or wet tissue. Do not use dry paper towel, scented tissue or harsh soaps.

•Do not prevent yourself from going to the toilet if you feel the urge of going. At the same time, do not sit for too long on the toilet bowl in order to avoid straining.

It is still best to consult your doctor especially for bleeding hemorrhoids. This is to prevent making the condition severe and to stop immediately your discomfort. Plus your doctor will give you the right treatment such as topical medications or ask you to undergo surgery.