Bleeding hemorrhoids: Foods to stay away from and foods to eat

By | January 31, 2018

Poor diet, constipation and low hydration can cause bleeding hemorrhoids or hematochezia. Internal hemorrhoids are the most common to bleed. If left untreated, it may protrude out of the anus and cause pain and discomfort. Bleeding is often caused by irregular bowel movement such diarrhea and constipation due to improper diet and nutrition, too much straining, pregnancy, aging and obesity.

Sweet foods that are full of sugar can aggravate your bleeding. Too much consumption of refined sugar causes constipation and straining which leads to swelling and inflammation of the veins in the anus. This can lead to bleeding. These sugary foods that you should refrain from are ice cream, candies, sodas, doughnuts, muffins and cake.

Salty foods are a big no-no. Too much sodium in the body can cause high blood pressure which can make the veins in your rectal area to swell or bulge. Swollen veins in the rectum can cause discomfort and cause difficulty and bleeding during bowel movement and pain after sitting too long. These salty foods include potato chips, French fries, salted nuts, pretzels and canned soups.

You should also stay away from fatty foods to prevent bleeding hemorrhoids. Saturated fats are not only unhealthy and risky for your health; it can also harden your stools which can lead to constipation and straining. Furthermore, saturated fats increases the pressure in the veins located in your anus and rectum which makes you more vulnerable to hemorrhoids. Fried chicken, sausages, lamb, ham and beef contains high amounts of saturated fats, so you should stop from eating these fatty foods.

Spicy foods may also be responsible for upset stomach that can aggravate or cause bleeding. Chili peppers contain capsaicin which makes them spicy hot. Too much capsaicin can cause gastric distress and diarrhea which may lead to bleeding. Oftentimes, there is an underlying fat in every spicy food, such as steak dipped in hot sauce or chicken wings in spicy sauce which causes diarrhea. Additionally, red pepper, nuts and mustard are mostly partially digested when they pass through the colon which can agitate the sensitive areas affected by hemorrhoids causing rectal bleeding.

Drinking too much alcohol can cause dehydration, with little liquid left for lubricating the tissues, leading to constipation and straining that worsens the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Coffee and other beverages that contain caffeine also contribute to the discomfort caused by hemorrhoids. Caffeine also affects hydration. Furthermore, it acts like a laxative, causing bowel movement only when stimulated artificially. It either results to loose stool or constipation, which can aggravate the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

Bleeding Hemorrhoids: What to Eat

Follow a high-fiber meal plan in order to manage, prevent and treat your bleeding hemorrhoids. Your body lacks the needed digestive enzymes in order to break down the fiber you consume to transform it to energy. It goes through the digestive system as it helps the digested parts of the foods swim along. A healthy diet rich in insoluble and soluble fiber will help prevent constipation which is the leading cause of hemorrhoids. Fiber is found from edible plants which is indigestible roughage. Making some adjustments with your diet will help promote healthy digestion and prevent pressure and swelling which causes bleeding hemorrhoids.

Consume whole grains such as whole-wheat pasta, barley, brown rice, bran and wheat bread. These food items are rich in fiber compared to refined white flours. Prefer to eat peas, artichokes, beet greens, turnip, brussels, spinach, raspberries, apples, pears, lentils, pecans and almonds because these are anti-hemorrhoids foods.

Drinking more water can help hydrate your tissues as well as soften the feces, relieving the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Add more fiber-rich foods in your diet. Fiber absorbs the excess liquid in your stool giving it more bulk for an easier and relaxed bowel movement. Eat regularly and consume more fruits and vegetables. Eating fiber may cause bloating so start gradually and increase your water intake. Bleeding hemorrhoids can be treated by proper diet and lifestyle change.