The occurrence of hemorrhoids around the anus region is a common ailment. Almost everyone will encounter them but treatments are easy to administer. However, there is still this chance where this problem can develop into a major one. When this condition becomes worse, simple home treatments won’t be able to solve this problem anymore. The symptoms experienced will also become more severe than normal. The simple tasks such as walking, standing and sitting will likewise become painful. Even the act of urinating can already bring discomfort to the anal area. In this type of condition, a big lump of mass will completely block the anus. In normal cases, this lump can only grow as wide as the width of a single finger which is definitely much smaller. When a single lump becomes bigger than this, it would be wise to immediately seek for medical help.
Thrombosed Hemorrhoids are extremely painful and can be very disturbing. They are made from blood clot formation in the blood vessels of the anal canal. They can be easily spotted due to the big and firm mass they create. The exposed mass may appear as reddish and sometimes even bluish due to the absence of blood flow. In worst cases, gangrene can happen when the clump of mass dies due to necrosis. Septicemia may also occur when the infection becomes very severe. The risk of having septicemia is very low but there is still this small chance of its occurrence.
The treatment for this condition may involve surgery. However, it can still be treated with non-surgical procedures if acted upon quickly. Choosing the right treatment will depend on how severe the symptoms are. If the swelling is preventing a person to do normal activities, having it surgically removed would be the fastest way. However, if the symptoms are still tolerable, treating it with Epsom baths, creams and other supplements can slowly reduce its size and can certainly lessen the pain.
This very painful condition can be easily prevented with simple actions. The first and best thing to do is to take care of the initial hemorrhoids before they can develop into bigger swellings. Treating them can be easily done both at home and by doctors. This preventive measure will only last a few weeks and should be an easy task for anyone to do. Doing this can also prevent the person from undergoing surgical treatments. However, surgery should be done only as a last option.