A Guide on Hemorrhoids and Homeopathy

By | January 31, 2018

Hemorrhoids or sometimes called piles refer to a condition wherein the veins around the lower rectum and anus are inflamed and swollen. It can happen to anyone – men or women and old or young. Hemorrhoids occur because there is a strain in the bowel movement. Others suffer from hemorrhoids because of aging, pregnancy, chronic diarrhea and chronic constipation. It can be seen either internal (inside the anus) or external (below the skin surrounding the anus). There are some people who have hemorrhoids but they do not experience any symptoms. Bright red blood that covers the stool is one of the common internal signs of hemorrhoids. Take note, internal hemorrhoids could protrude through the anus which can be painful and irritating.

List of remedies

Homeopathic remedies are one of the most effective and safest ways to treat hemorrhoids. It offers gentle and no side effects treatment. For severe cases of hemorrhoids, surgery is the only answer. Before you resort to this treatment, try the gentle homeopathic remedies available before it is too late.

•Witch hazel extract is a common ingredient of different hemorrhoids treatment available in the market like medicated hemorrhoid pads. It acts as an astringent. In most health food and drug stores, you can buy pure hazel extract. You simply apply the extract using a clean cotton ball on the affected area. It’s a no-no to cover the hemorrhoids after application with gauze or bandage. Repeat the same procedure three times a day for several days. This procedure will help reduce discomfort and shrink the inflamed and swollen veins.

•Aloe vera contains a gel-like sap that is rich with astringent properties that can cool, soothe and heal irritated tissues. Apply the sap directly on the affected region using a cotton swab or ball. In order to get the gel like sap from the plant, cut in half the leaf and then slice down at the middle. Collect the extract using the cotton swab from the center. If you cannot get a fresh leaf of the aloe vera plant, you can purchase from grocery or drug stores aloe vera extract.

•Sulfur is known to treat skin conditions such as scabies and acne. It is also an effective treatment for hemorrhoids because of its antibacterial and mild astringent properties it contain. Prepare a mixture of a soothing ointment plus a teaspoon of sulfur powder. Apply the mixture directly to the infected region at least two to three times a day.

Other tips to remember

Use the above homeopathic remedies in conjunction with the following:

•Proper diet is a must. You need to include in your meal foods rich in fiber. Remember, constipation is one of the leading causes of hemorrhoids. Prefer to drink or eat fresh fruits and vegetables.

•Avoid holding the urge of going to the toilet. Go if you really have to. At the same time, do not prolong your stay inside the toilet. This will just create pressure on your rectal area.

•Drink eight to 10 glasses of water everyday. Make it a habit to bring a sippy tumbler of water. This will encourage you to drink water as many as you can.