Hemorrhoids, also referred to as Piles, are inflamed and swollen vascular vessels in the anal canal. It affect individuals in their peak age from forty-five (45) to sixty-five (65).
Here are five natural remedies for hemorrhoids:
1.horse chestnut
2.witch hazel cream
3.butchers broom
I.Horse Chestnut
Is a herb that is highly recommended to alleviate poor blood circulation in the veins (also known as chronic venous insufficiency), available in capsule and tea form. Folk medicine has it that this herb relieves inflammation and swelling of blood vessels. Aescin is the active compound in this natural herb. Side effects of being administered with this herbal compound include severe bleeding, kidney damage, liver damage and bruising.
II.Witch Hazel Cream
The plant hamamelis virginiana is the source of this cream. It is extracted from the leaves and bark of the plant. The cream is topically applied in the rectal area. The extracted form from the plants is available in medicated pad, ointment or distilled liquid preparations. There is widespread belief that the extract from this plant herb decreases hemorrhoids’ bleeding with its astringent action. Testimonies abound that this plant extract relieves pain, itchiness and swelling due to a hemorrhoidal condition.
III.Butchers Broom
Is another plant herb whose name was derived from its being used by butchers in Europe in cleaning their chopping boards. Traditionally, this plant herb has been used to treat varicose veins and hemorrhoidal conditions as a means to counter poor blood vein circulation. Ruscogen, the active compound in the plant herb, contains anti-inflammatory properties that shrink the tissue cause of the hemorrhoidal condition. Administration of the herb can be made in tea form, oral ingestion of the capsule preparation or applied topically in its ointment form.
Are plant based flavonoids found abundant in citrus fruits, herperidin, diosmin and oxerutins. The flavonoids compound work as a stabilizing agent and strengthen the walls of the blood vessels thereby decreasing inflammation. Pain, anal discomfort and discharge during a hemorrhoidal attack are countered by properties of this plant herb.
This plant based abundant compound relieves symptoms and bleeding during hemorrhoidal episodes. Taken orally, fiber softens stool formation and reduces straining during bowel movement. This compound can be found abundant in foods such as whole grains as well as vegetables. Ingestion of fiber supplements in the form of psyllium (one teaspoon) is enough to get the health benefits of the fiber compound.