10 best surgeries and procedures used to treat hemorrhoids

By | January 31, 2018

The treatment of hemorrhoids, one of the most common affection in the world, has advanced in leaps and bounds in the twenty first century due to modern technology.
The following procedures are some of the best methods to curb the effects of the disorder, and provide a more optimum approach to health care.

1. Bipolar diathermy

This procedure is most effective for small, internal hemorrhoids. It is based on the generation of heat through the use of an electric current at a high frequency. The energy produced is then applied to the tissues affected by the hemorrhoids. The procedure is not only fast, but does not produce bleeding, however, it is not without pain, but this is usually minimal.

2. Cauterization

This is one of the most well-known treatments for hemorrhoids, and can use either chemicals or electrical current. The most popular, and most used is electro-cauterization. With this method, electric current is passed through the tip of a special instrument that causes heating to occur, this is then passed over the offending tissue, producing degradation.

3. Stapled hemorrhoidectomy

This is the latest technique in hemorrhoid treatment, and is usually best for third degree hemorrhoids. It functions by suturing and stapling the lax tissue that supports the hemorrhoid ensuring that it is accommodated to its original position, and cuts off the excess supporting tissue at the same time.

4. Hemorrhoidolysis

Also known as Galvanic electrotherapy, this out- patient procedure is practically pain free. Using electrical current through a probe, hemorrhoids are shrunk as low intensity current is pulsated to the inflammatory area initiating tissue breakdown.

5. Injection sclerotherapy

This non-surgical procedure involves the use of phenol or quinine urea, known as sclerosants. These are injected in liquid form into the base of the hemorrhoid, in order to get rid of the inflammation. The procedure can be painful, but this usually ends within a day.

6. Transanal hemorrhoidal de-arterialisation

This has found to be one of the most effective surgical procedures for hemorrhoids. It is minimally invasive, as a protoscope is inserted into the anus in order to find the affected blood vessels. Once located, the vessels are narrowed by stitching, aiding in a reduction of blood flow. In the end swelling and bleeding of vessels are reduced.

7. Laser coagulation surgery

By using laser technology, hemorrhoids are removed in a range of fifteen to thirty minutes, ensuring that blood flow to the hemorrhoid is halted, without harming surrounding tissue. Only one hemorrhoid can be treated at a time.

8. Rubber band ligation

This is an out-patient procedure that involves simply tying the hemorrhoid at its base to cut off its blood supply. This is done through the use of an anoscope which aid in viewing the anus. The hemorrhoid will eventually shrink and within a week will fall. The scar that remains will prevent other veins from forming hemorrhoids.

9. Infrared photocoagulation

Infrared coagulation uses infrared light to induce the formation of scar tissue, which causes the hemorrhoid to lose blood irrigation. It can easily be done in your doctor’s office.

10. Atomizing

Atomizing treatments are not very available, as a device known as the Atomizer is required. This device allows vaporization of hemorrhoids through a probe conducing a special form of electric current.

These treatment, though the best, all have their indication, so it is advised to consult a physician before deciding which is the right one for you.